Happy New Year to all of our friends near and far. With just over four months to go, a very exciting programme for FFF 2022 is taking shape, with lots of interesting events in the pipeline. Don’t forget to put the dates in your diary!
Wed 25th to Sun 29th May 2022
We are delighted to reveal the face of FFF 2022The image is taken from the short film 'Kafkas' Directed by Nick Blake, Image by Louise Tattersall.
As a new year gift to you, we have retained the regular entry fee of €30 until 11th of January and as an extra bonus you can use the 50% discount code FFFHYN2022 up until the final deadline. So, get submitting! https://fastnetfilmfestival.com/how-to-enter More good news to follow...Follow and contribute to our hashtag on Instagram and Twitter:#fastnetfilmfestival#fff2022